Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy 15th Anniversary

This photo is in Ashley Morton Bradley's scrapbook from 8th grade. 
She has noted our names and that it was the last day of school.
  I think this is the oldest photo of us and note that Jill and Alison were bridesmaids at our wedding.
  Happy Anniversary John
and only 35 more years
until we can eat on the
Noritake Graywood China.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 42nd Anniversary

Happy 42nd wedding anniversary to my parents. 
You both are wonderful role models and
 only 8 more years until you eat on the anniversary china.
Love you!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Need to take a writing class

I hate my handwriting and I got Ns all during elementary school because of it.
  I want to take more classes with Shelly Massey to improve.
 Come back to Texas! 
I need you!
Shelly Massey's art blog

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My new necklace

Found at Paper Cowgirl vendor night and thought Campy would want me to have it for Mothers' Day.
 Love you Campy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My car...

So I need a new car but I just can't bring myself to discard my current one.  However, with it breaking down on the way back from Hachie and having to be towed to Arlington and then repaired for approx. $1200, I am just not loving it right now.  Maybe a car wash and a detail job and I will be "in love" again.
I thought it was the battery but it was the alternator.

See my car in the back ground?  John wasn't happy and I just giggled that he was carrying my purse. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Items made at Paper Cowgirl

Here are some of my creations (in random order):
Here I am with my Marie Antoinette doll.  I tried to paint her to make her look like an old antique.

I sewed this book.

And this is the tin that the book goes in.

This is the outside of the tin.

and the pages...

Journal #1

Journal #2
example of bee's wax project

My decorated Velvetta box.  And thanks to grossed $10 for a scholorship fund.  Nicky--you are the best ever!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The people you meet at Paper Cowgirl...

So Paper Cowgirl was an amazing art retreat and I highly recommend it.  The projects were great, the teachers amazing, but the people you hang out with are the BEST.  It is so fun to be around people who truly understand and get you.
Here I am with the Paper Cow Girl Prom Queen.  I ran out and bought my purple dress and begged the cleaners to alter it in time and Marsha found her amazing diva dress for $5. at a resale shop. 
I think I may steal her crown when she isn't looking.

Nicky, Me, and Tammy----a fun combonation in front of an even more fun fence.

I think she is my soul sister--she just gets me!

Jana and Nicky

I said, "act wacky" and here is the proof that we can act wacky.

Amazing Ann-Denise with her apron from the apron swaps.
 See here trusty assistant Kenny beside her?
  Love these cowgirls!

Debbe with her crazy name tag I made her.
  She is so cool! 
And you should see the apron she made me.
 It is just too amazing to use.

Debbe's shoes.  She is a true diva.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Paper Cowgirl 2011

Yes, even my mother noticed that I had stopped blogging.  It has been some busy days but now I am back and let me tell you what I have been up to...
Nicky, Jana, and Tammy
Paper Cowgirl in Waxahachie was so much fun.  Especially with all my fun, crazy, crafty, artsy friends.  I think Ann Denise tells it best with these:  Paper Cowgirl 1, Paper Cowgirl 2, Paper Cowgirl 3.    It was an amazign three days and I  can't wait to see my friends again soon.  Also, here is the bed and breakfast we stayed in...

Harrison House Bed and Breakfast in Hachie

Thursday, June 9, 2011

school is out for summer

students are out for summer,
teachers are out for summer,
and so is this AP.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Paper Cowgirl Swaps 2011

My apron for the apron swap.  I found this vintage apron at an antique store. 

Made a corsage for the apron.  I thought it made it even more DIVA.

For nametag swap...I hope Debbe likes it.

My filler charm for the charm swap. 
I have had thses paper clips forever and hooked a bale and lobster clasp and VIOLA!

Charm for charm swap...found these tiles at school.  Don't worry they were headed for the dumpster.


I was driving home and saw this truck stopped at a gas station.  I had to have the photo!  COOL!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

kit swap

Facebook's Artsy Fartsy hosted a kit swap and of course I signed up. 
Above is the great kit Kimberly in California sent me.

My finished piece.  The photo is me with my Mom taken at Tour of Grvaes May 2011.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Graduation 2011

Crochet Club paid for the cakes.
There is nothing like hearing, "Pomp and Circumstnace" and marching in with a group of students.  It one of the highest honors an educator can have.  Below is graduation 2011...

Cute kid in clothes bought and ironed by John Martin.

Another cute kid clothed by John Martin.

A teacher with a dress on and don't forget her Steeler shoes.

My favorite and some of my favorite students.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Pears by was even better than it looked.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Smash Book

Go check this out....Smash Book

Friday, June 3, 2011

art is the only

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. -Twila Thorpe
(photo from Etsy)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hachie Fetish

So I spend lots of time in Waxahachie.  Or Hachie as the locals call it and since I am there so much.  :) 
Shelly Hamilton is a new designer for Crafty Scrapper and she is a wonderful teacher and artist. 
(above) My kit from Shelly.

My finished project....and I love it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mom's $15 Pie

Mom can cook. 
She started at nine years old. 
So this weekend when we visited Waco, we got a chocolate pie.  Actually --John earned it because he helped set up their new phones.
But unfortunately, John shared it with everyone and there was
no pie to bring home.