Friday, March 30, 2012

doll parts in Hachie

I am now addicted to doll parts.  I like hands and legs and just plain old heads.  I buy them and will have to take photos of my own displays in the house.  John thinks they are creepy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guzman Hat

There are things in life you just can't live with out and that was my hat Guzman,  I went with a friend to Hachie for Petticoats on the Prairie.  They sponsored a top hat contest and Guzman finished second.  So I saw him and negotiated a great price.  Neither my Mom or John like the hat but they were willing to try it on. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I travel with art supplies...

Two trips to Phoenix already this year and this is my set up,,,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Unusual street art in Phoenix

I was driving to Rotary in Phoenix and these were lining the street and I had to stop and take their photos...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yarn bombed in Hachie

colorful afgan around a street pole

A yarn bomb is when you take yarn and just wrapp it all over an item such as a chair, house, or even a street pole. 

More girls...

Here are more girls from my night arting at Eclectic Expressions:
Linda 2




One of my very first pieces that I gave Kate and it still hangs in her studio

Another piece I gave Kate and it still hangs in her studio.  I am so honored.

Petticoats on the Prairie

Photos from my great time in Hachie at Petticoats on the Prairie...
I need everything in this photo...

didn't buy any and I wish I would have...

love to see that even angels need to accessorize

As I wanted to buy everything on this table...I remembered that I have three boxes of Easter up in the attic.

Who can't love this rabbit?

just sold her

I was invited to art at Eclectic Expressions on Saturday night.  And this was one of my 12 X 12 pieces on cardboard.  She sold before the paint was even dry. My first painting that made money.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Phoenix girls

I took all my art supplies and here are some of my Phoenix girls...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sad girl

Love this photo and tried to buy it but the lady would not work with me on price.  But I do love it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Angels amongs us

While in Hachie, I found these little angels for a great price.  I can't wait to use them.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Food finds

The other day a co-worker brought lettuce and we all brought salad fixings and this was my yummy salad.   
And thanks to another co-worker, I now know about mango yogurt from pink berry.  This is mango yogurt with blood oranges in it.  Yummy!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Angel

Remember the Spring Angel I made for Valentine's at AD's.  I put her in a spring arrangement and she is sitting in my living room.  Spring is almost here.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pizza Eve 2012

One of the funniest things John's family does is eat Pizza on the night before Christmas Eve.  It is a tradition that started with Steve and his sons and now look at all on us?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This is what I look like when I art

This is what I look like when I art on the weekend.  John says I am not vain.  Is that his way of telling me I look bad? (notice my broken glasses...I just haven't had time to get to the eye doctor)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yes, my name is Jana and I love LALA Loopsey dolls.  And when I get them home I like to put them in cages.  Here is my latest one.  She is a Marie Antoinette and I put her in a fabric cage I bought last year at ETSY Spring Fling in Fort Worth.  She is sitting on pink Eater grass.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My new Toms

Love these shoes.  I saw them at the Junior League Fashion show and wanted them.  And then I splurged right before Christmas and got them and I love wearing them.  They are almost comfortable and make me 3 1/2 inches taller.  Love them!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The world on her shoulders

Is she deep in thought? 
Deep in prayer?  Deep in meditation? Deep in grief?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Old photo of John

While I was at John's grandparents' house...I found this photo of John.  I think it was taken around 7th-8th grade.  He is so cute!

Thursday, March 1, 2012