Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wedding birds

This free image I got from Sommerset seems very appropriate as on June 28th my parents celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary and John and I celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary on June 29th. 
 Happy Anniversary to all!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

my new car

It was so hard for me to decide on a car.  I think I drove 12 different car types.  I really liked the Toyota Corolla and John told me he wanted time to research cars. So after much research, he wanted me to go and drive a civic and I fell in love with this grey two door civic.
  It is sitting in my drive way.   

Tobacco can dolls

I must learn how to make these dolls and I see them at antique flea markets.  They so intrigue me. And I have lots of tin cans.   

Monday, June 18, 2012

my postcard vacation

I joined a summer poster card swap and here are the rules:

Here's the scoop! Our swap theme is "summer fun travel". It is a post card swap and we will play throughout the summer. When we reach our first "destination", you will then find out where we are "traveling" to next. Post cards - mixed media, 6"x4", one swap for one.  You will have two (2) weeks to create your post card and send out. We will take a week breather and then start again. Everybody on board?

First destination: "out of Africa". Think British colonized Africa, circa 1914. Drag out those old Victoria's girls, think lace, crystal, romance, elegance and the mystery of Africa.

My post card-African girl

Sample #1

Sample #2

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Goofy photos

These are some goofy photos taken of me on my first birthday celebration at Morton Elem.  See the art in the background.  That is the art that hung in my Dad's office for years and always reminded him of our annual vacation in Lake City, Colorado.